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Dictionaries of the Scots Language Online provides free access to The Scottish National Dictionary (SND) and A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (DOST). First published during the twentieth century, their 12,000 pages in 22 volumes provide a remarkable record of the language, history, culture and traditions of the Scots-speaking people.
- Dictionaries of the Scots Language
DSL Online brings together the two major historical...
- Dictionaries of the Scots Language
DSL Online brings together the two major historical dictionaries of the Scots language: Modern Scots (after 1700) in The Scottish National Dictionary (SND) Older Scots (before 1700) in A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (DOST)
710,000 illustrative quotations drawn from 6,000 source texts. From these sources, DSL Online was created in 2004, supplemented in 2005 (SND only) and revised in 2014 and 2022. It is the national repository of the Scots language, freely available online for all who wish to consult it.
• Scots-online: Scots-English dictionary. • Scots proverbs. • Scottish words illustrated (for fun) • Scottish words glossary. • 550 Scots phrases: ye jist canna dae wi'oot, by Clive Young (2022) • Scots dictionary, Collins Gem (2002) • The Scots dialect dictionary by Alexander Warrack (2000)
This site gives online access to three of our dictionaries previously published either in print form or as apps. Scots is spoken throughout Scotland and in parts of Ulster. It is different from: Scottish English, although they share many similarities due to their close historical relationship.
The Dictionary of the Scots Language (DSL) comprises electronic editions of the two major historical dictionaries of the Scots language: the Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue ( DOST ) and the Scottish National Dictionary ( SND ).
cover more than the existing literary glossaries. James Boswell conceived the idea of writing a Scots dictionary while studying in Utrecht in his twenties, and began to record the distinctive Scots words and usages which he knew were being eroded. ‘e Scoish language is being lost every day,’ he wrote, ‘and in a sh.