Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
It is the responsibility of the business owner to properly renew their minimal activity business license each year. Business tax can be filed electronically through TNTAP here: https://tntap.tn.gov/eservices/ .
- Licenses, Permits and Registration
Standard business license: More than $100,000* in gross...
- Registration and Licensing
If you are subject to the business tax, you must register to...
- Business Services Online
File documents to form or register a new business with the...
- License, Permit, Registration Search
You may use this page to check the license, permit, or...
- Licenses, Permits and Registration
10 Ιουν 2024 · To view renewal information for your license or registration, visit our One-Stop Licensing App and search for your license or registration. What is the renewal application grace period? The grace period in which you can apply for renewal after license expiration varies by license type.
Standard business license: More than $100,000* in gross sales. A business tax account and filing are required with a standard business license. Filing and paying business tax with the Department of Revenue renews your business license with your local county clerk's office.
If you are subject to the business tax, you must register to pay the tax. This application can be submitted electronically using the Tennessee Taxpayer Access Point (TNTAP). The state administered business tax is a tax based upon business gross receipts, which is due annually.
File documents to form or register a new business with the Tennessee Secretary of State. Search for a business by business name or Secretary of State control number in order to file annual reports and other amendments or to view the business detail. Request, pay for, receive, and/or verify a Certificate of Existence online.
Standard Business License MUST be renewed online through your TNTAP account every year on or before April 15th. You will be able to print your new license from TNTAP account. Renewal for Standard Business License is only available ONLINE through your TNTAP account https://tntap.tn.gov/eservices/_/
You may use this page to check the license, permit, or registration of individuals and businesses. Please select one of the search options below to continue. For self-insured workers' compensation, or other reports, please submit to the Public Record Request form .