Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
For assistance, contact the LLU Help Desk at lluhelpdesk@llu.edu, or ext 48611, or 909-558-8053
LLU - Use your normal login name and password. This is often the same as your email password. Contact the Helpdesk at x48611 if you are having trouble; Personal Email - Use the information (email/password) that you used to sign up. Click submit, or press enter.
Student Services Portal is where students can access all their personal account information for academics and finance. Below are some more frequently used links in Student Services Portal. Registration portal
Login to Loma Linda University's website using your normal login name and password.
Access LLUH Login for quick links to important resources and services for Loma Linda University Health employees.
Teaching resources, Grading Portal, Faculty Directory and more; For Staff Forms and docs, travel management, OWL, Human Resource Management, VIP, Payroll and more
Find administrative student services at LLU, including finances, registrar, counseling, online portals, and much more.