Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
On June 3, 2024, the Oakland Schools Board of Education approved the 5 Year School Calendar for 2026-2030 (also known as the Common Calendar). For the 2029-2030 school year, Winter Break is December 24, 2029 through January 4th, 2030.
Calendar - Oakland County Intermediate School District. Skip To Main Content. Close. Search. Clear. Search. About OS. What is an ISD? ... Oakland Schools Events. Month Week Day. Calendar Filter. November 2024 > Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat/Sun. Monday, October 28. Tuesday, October 29. Wednesday, October 30. Thursday, October 31.
title 1 district-wide parent and family engagement; title 1 educational stability for children in foster care; title 1 dogwood hill elementary school parent and family engagement
The first day of school for the 2024-25 School Year is August 12, 2024. Please download a copy of the full OUSD 2024-25 School Year Calendar in the language of your choice. English
Upcoming school events, term dates, open days, sports fixtures in the school calendar for The Bay School of San Francisco
2024-25 Oakland Public Schools & Boundaries. Legend Layers Basemap gallery Details + ...
2024-25 SY Academic Calendar M O N T H M T W T F C A L E N DA R D E TA I L S M A J O R R E L I G I O U S & CO M M U N I T Y H O L I DAYS 1 8 0 INSTRUC TIONAL DAYS d i st r i c t h o l i d ays ( d i st r i c t c l o s e d ) Fa l l = 8 2 i n st r u c o n al d ays