Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
The Mother on Sri Aurobindo . Two things you must never forget: Sri Aurobindo's compassion and the Mother's love, and it is with these two things that you will go on fighting steadily, patiently, until the enemies are definitively routed and the Victory is won for ever. Courage outside, peace inside and a quiet unshakable trust in the Divine's ...
- Sri Aurobindo Ashram
As Sri Aurobindo explained, the soup was "a means by which...
- Music Forever
Sri Aurobindo, Internet Music Station , Radio Station for...
- Immortality Day
Immortality Day . The Ashram's Spiritual History. I arrived...
- Picture Gallery
- 12 Years With Sri Aurobindo
the Mother and Sri Aurobindo are copyright Sri Aurobindo...
- X-mas Messages
The Mother named the exhibition Homage to Sri Aurobindo ....
- All We Owe to Thee
All extracts and quotations from the written works of Sri...
- Magazines on-Line
All extracts and quotations from the written works of Sri...
- Sri Aurobindo Ashram
I woke up with waves of powerful vibrations at the top of the head and in the pit of the stomach. They were even physical, my scalp was sensitivised. These vibrations were connected with a sort of anguish—though I was not frightened and reproduced these vibrations in order to study them.
consists of short prose pieces written by Sri Aurobindo after his arrival in Pondicherry in 1910 but not published before his passing in 1950. LIGHT, endless Light! darkness has room no more...
As one goes through the Letters, one wonders at the infinite Patience and the vast Light, above all the tremendous Compassion embodied by Sri Aurobindo. For those who find it difficult to read the main volumes these letters are the best to begin with.
In the birth of the mind of Light and its ascension into its own recognisable self and its true status and right province there must be, in the very nature of things as they are and very nature of the evolutionary process as it is at present, two stages.
22 Σεπ 2015 · The inspired intuitive mind is a mind of lightnings lighting up many things that were dark, but the light needs to be canalised and fixed into a stream of steady lustres that will be a constant power for lucidly ordered knowledge.
The principal business of our mind is either a response of acceptance or a refusal to these thought-waves (as also vital waves, subtle physical energy waves) or this giving a personal-mental form to thought-stuff (or vital movements) from the environing Nature-Force.