Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Find your location on a map: Learn how to find & improve your location’s accuracy in Google Maps. Manage your history of the places you've been and the routes you've traveled: Learn how...
Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.
Google Maps Timeline is a personal map that helps you remember routes and trips you've taken and places you've been based on your Location History. You can edit your Timeline at any time...
9 Μαρ 2020 · The Google Maps location history lets you see all the places you’ve been to with your phone. It records the locations you go to, stores them in its database, and lets you view it wherever and whenever you want.
To view your location history, follow the steps below: Step 1: Open the Google Maps app on your device. Step 2: Tap on the three-lined menu icon in the top left corner of the screen. Step 3: Select “Your timeline” from the menu. Step 4: You will see a calendar on your screen that highlights the days you used Google Maps.
31 Αυγ 2024 · Access your search history in Google Maps by clicking on the top left of the screen and selecting Maps activity. "What was the name of that place?" followed by, "Didn't you say you just...
30 Απρ 2021 · Want to retrace your steps on a particular day? Use the Timeline feature on Google Maps for a detail log of your location history.