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Educators registered for a TeachGeorgia account can complete...
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We're sorry, but you used a Username and/or password that doesn't match our records. Please try again. Or, click "Forgot username/password?" to restore your access.
Educators registered for a TeachGeorgia account can complete and save an online resume; and search for and apply for positions through the website. Non-registered educators and others have access to the search menus, but must register to apply for positions through TeachGeorgia.
Your sign-in ID is your Teach For America email address. If you are an alum on staff, please see note above. What if I no longer have access to the email address I used to log in to TFA.org?
MyPSC is a secure website for Georgia educators and applicants for educator certification. Here you can view or print your certificate, read correspondence sent to you, update your personal information on file with the Professional Standards Commission, and access other PSC resources.
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Educating Georgia’s Future . Accessing the MyGaDOE Helpdesk Portal. Access the MyGaDOE Helpdesk Portal by logging into the MyGaDOE User Portal: https://Portal.doe.k12.ga.us. Important! – Please ensure your browser is set to allow Pop-Ups for MyGaDOE Portal and Helpdesk Portal websites.