Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Terra incognita or terra ignota (Latin "unknown land"; incognita is stressed on its second syllable in Latin, but with variation in pronunciation in English) is a term used in cartography for regions that have not been mapped or documented.
- Terra Incognita (Disambiguation)
Terra incognita is a Latin phrase meaning 'unknown land',...
- Terra Incognita (Disambiguation)
On this 1570 map, Hyperborea is shown as an Arctic continent and described as "Terra Septemtrionalis Incognita" (Unknown Northern Land). Notice the similarities in the continent to that of Mercator's map above.
Une terra incognita (du latin signifiant « terre inconnue » [1]) est un territoire qui n'a pas encore été exploré par l'Homme, ou par les explorateurs, voyageurs et marchands européens [2]. Les anciens chroniqueurs mentionnent souvent aussi des arva vacua .
Terra incognita or terra ignota (Latin "unknown land"; incognita is stressed on its second syllable in Latin, but with variation in pronunciation in English) is a term used in cartography for regions that have not been mapped or documented.
Terra Incognita visualises the geography of Wikipedia in over 50 languages. The maps display the geo-coded articles for each language, highlighting the biases and unevenness in the encyclopaedia's coverage.
Terra Australis Incognita ("unknown southern land") is printed across a region including the south pole without any definite shorelines. Over the centuries the idea of Terra Australis gradually lost its hold.
Terra Incognita visualises how Wikipedia has evolved over the last decade as an intriguing mirror of cultural and sociological difference. To achieve this we have taken each language edition of the encyclopaedia and mapped all the articles that refer to geographic locations.