Yahoo Αναζήτηση Διαδυκτίου

Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης

  1. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan asupan energi, lemak, serat dan aktivitas fisik dengan visceral fat pada pegawai Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo. Responden pada penelitian ini adalah 165 pegawai tenaga kependidikan dengan menggunakan simple random sampling.

  2. Hasil penelitian yang di Brazil menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara indeks adipositas viseral dengan kadar glukosa (r=0,258), kadar HDL (r=-0,550), kadar trigliserida (r=0,897), dan tekanan darah diastolik pada subjek laki-laki.

  3. Ten literatures showed role of physical activity against visceral fat. Five literatures showed moderate physical activity 3-5 times per a week have effect in visceral fat mass in type 2 DM.

  4. 27 Αυγ 2018 · Latar Belakang: Obesitas, obesitas sentral, dan lemak viseral merupakan penumpukan lemak tubuh yang berlebihan dan berisiko untuk menimbulkan berbagai penyakit degeneratif seperti jantung iskemi dan stroke serta dapat meningkatkan risiko kerusakan tulang pada lansia.

  5. 20 Νοε 2020 · This study aims to determine the relation between energy intake, fat, fiber, and physical activity to visceral fat in Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo employees.

  6. Abnormally high deposition of visceral adipose tissue is known as visceral obesity. This body composition phenotype is associated with medical disorders such as metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease and several malignancies including prostate, breast and colorectal cancers.

  7. The proportion of overweight aged> 18 years has continued to increase since 2007, 2013 and 2018, namely 8.6% 11.5% and 13.6%. This study aims to determine the description of Body Mass Index (BMI) and its relationship to Basal Metabolic Rate, visceral fat and cell age in the adolescent group using the Bioimpedency Analysis (BIA) tool.

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