Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
In addition to the weather by month and climate diagrams in the annual overview, we provide you with temperature trends, precipitation and current weather forecasts for the next 14 days and the current water temperature.
- Karachi
The city of Karachi is characterized by a desert climate....
- Shanghai
In Shanghai, the month that experiences the lowest number of...
- Mumbai
On average, Mumbai records the lowest daily sunshine hours...
- Istanbul
The Köppen-Geiger climate classification identifies this...
- Beijing
On average, there are only about 7.82 hours of sunlight per...
- Africa
Africa - Climate data for cities worldwide
- North America
Los Angeles Mexico City New York Chicago Toronto Houston...
- Asia
The precipitation levels in the city of Kuala Lumpur are...
- Karachi
25 Νοε 2024 · Map created by AconexOfficial. The map above shows the annual average temperature of each country on earth based over its entire land area. This means it can be somewhat misleading. For example, Canada’s average annual temperature is a chilly −4.03 °C (24.75 °F), but the average for its biggest city, Toronto, is 8.3°C (46.9 °F).
Our repository has weather history, temperature history and historical weather data for most locations on earth. Starting out with a yearly summary, you can drill down to the month or even day of your choosing.
Find and view past weather and climate data by station name or identifier, ZIP code, city, county, state, or country. Mapping Tool » Access past weather and climate data using a collection of specialized tools. Data Tools »
Interactive global monthly climate maps. Animate
Find out average temperatures by month and explore typical weather patterns for any location. Simply search and select your area of interest on the map. Instantly access comprehensive weather data compiled from the past 20 years, including Temperature Min/Max, Humidity, Wind Probability, Rain Probability, Snow Depth, and more.
Climate data for historic stations. Monthly data are available for a selection of long-running historic stations. The series typically range from 50 to more than 100 years in length. Our...