Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Reader’s Guide to the Bible gives you step-by-step guidance as you walk through the pages of God’s Word day by day. This guide is laid out in a chronological reading plan and provides personal coaching in how to read the portion of Scripture suggested for each day.
The key points listed below list the chapters to read in the Bible for each point. The links go back to the summary pages. • First Sin Story (Adam and Eve) Genesis 2, 3 • Noah and his Ark Genesis 6-8 • Tower of Babel (causing differing languages) Genesis 11 • Abraham's Personal Covenant with God Genesis 12,15 & 17
Genesis is written as narrative with occasional poetic and discourse sections. Genesis is divided into two main parts. Chapters 1-11 detail the story of God and his relationship to the whole world, while chapters 12-50 focus on the story of God’s relationship with Abraham and his family.
Bible and explains differences between the Old Testament narratives, the Epistles, Gospels, Parables, Psalms, and more. It's a practical approach to Bible study -- one that makes good sense and is easy to understand. This new edition includes, among other changes, a new section on the Song of Songs and an updated list of recommended
Ben is the President and Co-founder of The Center for Truth in Love. Since 2002 Ben has been preaching and teaching the Bible’s truth. He travels about 100,000 miles a year keynoting at conferences, preaching for churches, hosting Truth in Love Seminars, and holding speaking series for Christian schools.
wide-awake recognition of the living voice of the triune God, reading the Bible is the central act of Christian existence. This book, a kind of extended Christian hedonist gloss on Psalm 119, is an invitation to the miracle of Bible reading.” Fred Sanders, Professor of Theology, Torrey Honors Institute, Biola
Minor Prophets (Hebrew: Book of the Twelve) Book Lector’s Introduction Hosea “A reading from the Prophet Hosea.” Joel “A reading from the Prophet Joel.” Amos “A reading from the Prophet Amos.” Obadiah “A reading from the Prophet Obadiah.” Jonah “A reading from the Prophet Jonah.” Micah “A reading from the Prophet Micah.” Nahum “A reading from the Prophet Nahum.”