Yahoo Αναζήτηση Διαδυκτίου

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  1. 16 Ιουλ 2020 · 57 de cazuri de COVID-19 au fost confirmate in Braila in doar cateva ore. 42 dintre infectati sunt de la o firma de confectii, iar 15 de la o fabrica de componente auto.

  2. In ultimele 24 de ore Braila a inregistrat 22 de noi cazuri de coronavirus, potrivit raportarii zilnice transmise de Prefectura Braila. Datele Directiei de Sanatate Publica Braila arata ca de la inceputul pandemiei de coronavirus la nivelul judetului au fost ... citește toată știrea

  3. Numarul cazurilor Covid - 19 inregistrate la Braila este in scadere. In week-end, numarul persoanelor infectate cu coronavirus a fost destul de mic, fiind vorba despre 23 de persoane infectate in trei zile.

  4. 28 Δεκ 2021 · CHRONIQUE. La forte reprise épidémique, deux ans après l’apparition du SARS-CoV-2, est une épreuve que les Français affrontent de façon responsable et plutôt unie.

  5. 27 Αυγ 2020 · Un nou focar de COVID-19 a izbucnit într-un azil pentru vârstnici, din Brăila. Sunt 66 de cazuri confirmate până acum.

  6. Today, under the pitiless spotlight cast by the COVID-19 pandemic, the country's capacity to merge the two traditions is being tested. Moreover, this crisis is taking place in the context of France's health system that is heavily care oriented to the detriment of preventive approaches.

  7. A year into the pandemic, France has been hit hard by COVID-19. Health-care workers and people in the community are exhausted. There have been 4 million reported cases and 90 000 deaths due to COVID-19, as of March 15.

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