Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Eusebius of Caesarea [note 1] (c. AD 260/265 – 30 May AD 339), also known as Eusebius Pamphilius, [note 2] [7] was a Greek [8] Syro-Palestinian [9] historian of Christianity, exegete, and Christian polemicist. In about AD 314 he became the bishop of Caesarea Maritima in the Roman province of Syria Palaestina.
該撒利亞的優西比烏( Εύσέβιος , Eusebius Caesariensis 生於約260年或275年—可能卒在339年5月30日),又稱游社博、歐瑟伯、恩彪,是巴勒斯坦地區的凱撒利亞的教會監督(或称主教)。
Eusebius of Caesarea was a bishop, exegete, polemicist, and historian whose account of the first centuries of Christianity, in his Ecclesiastical History, is a landmark in Christian historiography. Eusebius was baptized and ordained at Caesarea, where he was taught by the learned presbyter
2 Μαΐ 2023 · 愷撒利亚的优西比乌( Εύσέβιος , Eusebius Caesariensis 生于约260年或275年—可能卒在339年5月30日),又称游社博、欧瑟伯、恩彪,是巴勒斯坦地区的愷撒利亚的教会监督(或称主教)。
5 Απρ 2019 · Known as the Father of Church History, Eusebius created extensive accounts of the first three centuries of Christianity. He preserved a wealth of early documentation that would have otherwise been lost. Eusebius' exhaustive research and painstaking concern for identifying original sources were virtually unprecedented among ancient historians.
尤西比乌斯[Eusebius](约 260—340),尤西比乌斯当选为恺撒里亚的主教。 著有《编年史》、《基督教会史》和《君士坦丁传》等,影响很大。 他被称为“教会史”之父和拜占庭的第一位历史学家。
凯撒勒雅的欧瑟比奥(拉丁文:Eusebius Caesariensis,英语:Eusebius of Cæsarea)男性,具体生卒年月不详,三世纪末期、四世纪前叶基督教修士、神学家、教会历史学家,编著《教会史》(拉丁文:Storia Ecclesiastica),被视为古代教会最伟大的语言学家以及基督教历史 ...
凯撒利亚的优西比乌(Eusebius of Caesarea, 260—339 ),西方历史上第一个教会史家,被称为教会史之父。 优西比乌著述甚丰,包括《君士坦丁传》、《驳波菲利》、《驳摩尼教徒》、《诗篇注释》等,内容涉及历史、护教、论辩、教义、释经等方面。
Eusebius attempted according to his own declaration (I.i.1) to present the history of the Church from the apostles to his own time, with special regard to the following points: the successions of bishops in the principal sees;
Pamphilus was the owner of a large library and the founder of a theological school, in which Eusebius taught. During this period Eusebius devoted a great deal of his time to studying the works of the second-century Catholic church father Origen, which Pamphilus had collected as a feature of