Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
This is a timeline of French history, comprising important legal changes and political events in France and its predecessor states. To read about the background to these events, see History of France. See also the list of Frankish kings, French monarchs, and presidents of France.
13 Ιαν 2023 · A chronology of key events in modern French history: 1789 - French Revolution ends rule of monarchy going back to 9th Century; followed by establishment of the First Republic. 1799 - Napoleon...
Explore the major events and rulers of France from 845 to 996 AD. Learn about the Viking raids, the treaty of Saint Clair sur Epte, and the founding of the Kingdom of France by Hugh Capet.
21 Οκτ 2019 · There is no single starting date for "French" history. Some textbooks start with prehistory, others with the Roman conquest, others still with Clovis, Charlemagne or Hugh Capet (all mentioned below). To ensure the broadest coverage, let's begin with the Celtic population of France in the Iron Age.
Explore the major events and periods of French history from ancient times to the present day. Learn about the founding of France, the Roman Empire, the Franks, the monarchy, the revolution, the empire, the world wars, and more.
3 Μαΐ 2023 · Explore the major events that have shaped France from ancient times to the present day, from the Roman conquest to the French Revolution, from Napoleon to Macron. Learn about the cultural, political, and economic changes that have made France a major power in Europe and the world.
The first written records for the history of France appeared in the Iron Age. What is now France made up the bulk of the region known to the Romans as Gaul. Greek writers noted the presence of three main ethno-linguistic groups in the area: the Gauls, Aquitani and Belgae.