Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
At Nickelodeon, Vasquez created the animated television series Invader Zim, which aired on the network and then later on Nicktoons. It focuses on the daily life of Zim , a naïve alien from the planet Irk who tries to conquer Earth and enslave humans, before his attempts are constantly thwarted by a young paranormal investigator Dib , who ...
Jhonen C. Vasquez is the creator of Invader Zim. Jhonen Vasquez was born and raised in East San Jose. He attended Mount Pleasant High School, where he often spent much of his class time drawing in sketchbooks.
2 Οκτ 2018 · Meet the mastermind creator of Invader Zim, Jhonen Vasquez! He sat down with us to discuss how his upbringing inspired Zim, his beginnings at Nick and his cu...
Invader Zim, branded as Invader ZIM, is an Emmy award winning television series produced and aired by Nickelodeon, and created by Jhonen Vasquez. The series revolves around Zim. He is part of the Irken army, an extraterrestrial race devoted to conquer other...
Invader Zim is an American animated science fiction dark comedy television series created by comic book writer and cartoonist Jhonen Vasquez for Nickelodeon. The series centers on the titular character Zim (voiced by Richard Steven Horvitz), an extraterrestrial from the planet Irk.
31 Οκτ 2001 · Martin "Dr. Toon" Goodman invades the mind of Jhonen Vasquez, the creator of Invader Zim, to discuss Zim, Jhonen's ideas and inspirations, and the ups and downs of producing his first animated series.
Dirge later became a writer on Vasquez's Invader Zim, while Rikki Simons became the voice of the show's crazed robot GIR, as well as a member of the show's coloring team. Rikki Simons also worked with Vasquez on the coloring seen in his two-issue comic "I Feel Sick".