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  1. 我们看完了前10名的游戏,我们接下来看一看PS1还有什么经典游戏吧。 11.异度装甲(1998年2月11日) 12.moon(1997年10月16日) 13.最终幻想狮子战争(1997年6月20日) 14.生化危机3最后的逃亡(1999年9月22日) 15.古惑狼3扭曲(1998年12月17日)

  2. 23 Οκτ 2019 · There are several ways to run a .ps1 file. The simplest way is to right-click the file and choose 'Run with PowerShell'. As others have suggested, you can also run your .ps1 file using powershell.exe either in command prompt or from a BATCH or CMD file. As follows: powershell.exe -File C:\Script.ps1

  3. If your script is named with the .ps1 extension and you're in a PowerShell window, you just run ./myscript.ps1 (assuming the file is in your working directory). This is true for me anyway on Windows 10 with PowerShell version 5.1 anyway, and I don't think I've done anything to make it possible.

  4. 16 Μαΐ 2011 · Imagine the file is called MyFunctions.ps1, and the content is as follows: Write-Host "Installing functions" function A1 { Write-Host "A1 is running!" } Write-Host "Done" To run this script and theoretically register the A1 function, I navigate to the folder in which the .ps1 file resides and run the file:.\MyFunctions.ps1 This outputs:

  5. 18 Αυγ 2009 · To add to EBGreen's comment, the basic security problem that PowerShell's tries to avoid is folks double-clicking on PS1 files attached to email and having the script run. That's why PS1 files are only associated with an editor by default. Microsoft really doesn't want a PowerShell version of the ILoveYou virus e.g. "LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.ps1"

  6. PS1: 1994年末. N64: 1996年中. 发售的这1年多来,PS1卖了接近千万台。第三方厂商对PlayStation这个新星的疑虑,在这时候基本已经消失,然后就接二连三地倒戈了,其中就包括Square的FF7。 那为什么N64这么晚才发售,给了索尼可乘之机呢?

  7. 8 Σεπ 2011 · NOTES File Name : xxxx.ps1 Author : J.P. Blanc ([email protected] ) Prerequisite : PowerShell V2 over ...

  8. ps1那种大颗粒马赛克的画面对经历过那个年代的玩家来说有情怀加成,但想要引起更多玩家的兴趣还需要更多雕琢。 万物皆可“DEMAKE” 将现代高清游戏“降级重制”成PS1版马赛克游戏固然让人印象深刻,能迸发出一些复古怀旧火花,不过“降级重制”本身并不 ...

  9. \Nico\Scripts\Script1.ps1 \Script2.ps1 \Problem1\Solution1.ps1 \ParameterForSolution1.config \Problem2\Solution2.ps1 \ParameterForSolution2.config Solutions1 and Solutions2 call the PS1 in Scripts folder loading the parameter stored in ParameterForSolution.

  10. 1 Αυγ 2009 · .\myscript.ps1 -myarg1 arg1 -myarg2 arg2 *>&1 1> output.txt Here is an explanation: *>&1 redirect all streams (specified by *) to the success stream; 1> redirect the success stream (specified by 1) to a file; Refer to the documentation to see all the possible options: about Redirection.

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