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Read the lyrics of Rocket Queen, a song from the 1987 album Appetite for Destruction by Guns N' Roses. The song features a recorded sex act and a message of hope and friendship.
Guns N' Roses "Rocket Queen": If I say I don't need anyone, I can say these things to you 'Cause I can turn on anyone just like I'...
Find the lyrics of "Rocket Queen", a hard rock song by Guns N' Roses from their debut album Appetite for Destruction (1987). Learn about the song's history, composition, and meaning.
"Rocket Queen" is a song by Guns N' Roses, an American hard rock band formed in 1985. The group has sold over 100 million records worldwide, making them one of the world's best-selling bands of all time.
29 Ιουν 2018 · Rocket Queen (1986 Sound City Session) Lyrics: If I can say I don't need anyone / I can say these things to you, 'cause / I can turn on anyone / Just like I turned on you / I've...
Rocket Queen Lyrics by Guns N Roses. If I say I don't need anyone I can say these things to you 'cause I can turn on anyone Just like I've turned on you I've got a tongue like a razo...
Find the lyrics of Rocket Queen, a song by Guns N' Roses from their album Appetite for Destruction. The song is a rock ballad about a sexual encounter with a prostitute in a burned out paradise.