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Find the lyrics of the official song of the U.S. Army, composed by John Philip Sousa and Harold W. Arberg. Learn about the history, meaning and production of this marching anthem.
"The Army Goes Rolling Along" Verse: March along, sing our song, with the Army of the free. Count the brave, count the true, who have fought to victory. We’re the Army and proud of our name!
The following lyrics are to "The Army Goes Rolling Along." This is the official version, dating to 1956. As of May 8, 2013, only the first verse, the chorus, and refrain are sung (Most likely due to the second and third choruses being about a war).
Find the official lyrics of the Army song, based on The Caissons Go Rolling Along by Brigadier General E.L. Grub. Learn the history and meaning of the song, and sing along with the cadence and chorus.
Find the lyrics of the official song of the U.S. Army, The Army Goes Rolling Along. Learn the verse, chorus and refrain of this patriotic marching tune.
31 Αυγ 2024 · Find the full text of the official song of the United States Army, also known as "The Army Goes Rolling Along". Learn about its history, meaning, and variations.
That The Army Goes Rolling Along. Men in rags, men who froze, Still that Army met its foes, And the Army went rolling along. Faith in God, then we’re right, And we’ll fight with all...