Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Check in anytime between 1 and 24 hours before your scheduled departure. Please enter your Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan™ number or select another option to look up your reservation. Apply for an Alaska Airlines US Visa Signature credit card. Apply for an Alaska Airlines US Business credit card.
- Check-in Options
By web, mobile or at the airport, Alaska Airlines makes it...
- My Trips
Sign in to your account to view your list of upcoming trips,...
- Alaska Airlines
Self-service check-in is not available for Havana. Please...
- Check-in Options
Learn how to check in online, on mobile, or at the airport for your Alaska Airlines flight. Find out the fees, hours, and locations for baggage check and ticket counter check-in.
Please enter your Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan™ number or select another option to look up your reservation.
Self-service check-in is not available for Havana. Please check in at the airport 3 hours prior to departure.
View or change your reservation from your mobile device with Alaska Airlines. Sign in to your account or enter your confirmation code or e-ticket number to access your trips.
Vaya a. Flight check-in. ( Español ) Realice el registro e imprima su tarjeta de abordar de 1 a 24 horas antes del horario programado para su salida. Departure city: Type in the first three letters of the city name and use the up and down arrows to navigate through the suggestions list.
Πότε μπορώ να κάνω check-in για την πτήση Alaska Airlines; Ηλεκτρονικό check-in, check-in στο αεροδρόμιο, επιλογή θέσης, κάρτες επιβίβασης.