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  1. Google News ... Google News

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  3. › topics › CAAqJggKIiBDQkFTRWdvSUwyMHZNRFZxYUdjU0FtUmxHZ0pFUlNnQVABGoogle News

    Discover the latest news from around the world with Google News. Browse topics, sources, and publications that interest you and get personalized recommendations.

  4. 8 Μαΐ 2018 · The reimagined Google News uses a new set of AI techniques to take a constant flow of information as it hits the web, analyze it in real time and organize it into storylines. This approach means Google News understands the people, places and things involved in a story as it evolves, and connects how they relate to one another.

  5. 14 Αυγ 2024 · By Kevin Collier. Google said in a research report Wednesday that it detected efforts by Iranian hackers to target both the Trump and the Biden-Harris campaigns in May and June, part of a larger ...

  6. › wiki › Google_NewsGoogle News - Wikipedia

    Learn about Google News, a news aggregator service developed by Google that covers news articles from thousands of publishers and magazines in 35 languages. Find out how Google News evolved over time, how it works with publishers, and what legal issues it faced.

  7. Google News is a personalised news aggregator that organises and highlights what’s happening in the world so that you can discover more about the stories that matter to you. You can access your favourite news and magazine subscriptions, browse and discover new sources, and read articles offline with Google News app.

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