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  1. John Brown’s Body Lyrics. John Brown 's body lies a-mold'ring in the grave. John Brown's body lies a-mold'ring in the grave. His soul goes marching on. Glory, Glory! Hallelujah!...

  2. Learn about the origin and evolution of the American folk song "John Brown's Body", which was popular in the Union during the Civil War. The song was based on a camp meeting hymn "Say, Brothers" and inspired Julia Ward Howe's "Battle Hymn of the Republic".

  3. 1 Ιουλ 2014 · Learn about the origin and evolution of the song "John Brown's Body" that became a popular marching song for the Union army during the Civil War. See the different versions of the lyrics and words written by various authors, including Julia Ward Howe who renamed it "The Battle Hymn of the Republic".

  4. Find the lyrics of the folk song John Brown's Body, written by Tom Glazer and performed by Pete Seeger. Learn about the history and meaning of this song that celebrates the abolitionist leader John Brown.

  5. Old John Brown’s body lies moldering in the grave, While weep the sons of bondage whom he ventured all to save; But tho he lost his life while struggling for the slave,

  6. "John Brown's Body" also known as "John Brown's Song" is a song about the abolitionist John Brown. John Brown's Body was the original lyrics to Glory Glory H...

  7. 'John Brown's body' lyrics - Classical Music

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