Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
A free and open source network mapping software provides tools for designing network maps to visualize network connectivity and to monitor connected devices.
5 ημέρες πριν · Making a Map (QGIS3)¶ Often one needs to create a map that can be printed or published. QGIS has a powerful tool called Print Layout that allows you to take your GIS layers and package them to create maps. Overview of the task¶
3 ημέρες πριν · RealEarth collects, displays, and animates satellite, weather, earth science, and other GIS data.
5 ημέρες πριν · The tutorial shows how to create a map of Japan with standard map elements like map inset, grids, north arrow, scale bar and labels. Other skills you will learn ¶ Using ‘on-the-fly’ CRS transformation to visualize your data in a different projection.
2 ημέρες πριν · In 2016, a design for detecting harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in the Belgian part of the North Sea (BPNS) was developed in the framework of the LifeWatch project using Passive Acoustic ...
5 ημέρες πριν · The rendered map will rotate in a clockwise direction. The following are important notes: Requires a PROJECTION object specified at the MAP level and for each LAYER object (even if all layers are in the same projection).
5 ημέρες πριν · Witam kolegów i koleżanki żeglarzy! Niedawno rozpocząłem swoją przygodę z żeglarstwem. I teraz kompletuje sprzęt. Od znajomego wiem, że dobrym programem nawigacyjnym jest OpenCPN. O ile z programem nie ma większego problemu ze znalezieniem, o tyle z mapami już gorzej.